Christmas: A few tips to create a Winter Wonderland

The holidays are here and this is the perfect time of year to go all out and no one judges you for it!

This little pup loves to do it up right and I love that my mom can’t get enough of Christmas lights. She always lets me help deck the halls at our house, but she also takes on quite a few other houses in her spare time.

So here are some tips from all her Christmasing ventures on ways to really go all out for Christmas!

  1. Its all about the tree. Usually bigger is better, but make sure you don’t go too big. It still needs to be in scale with your home. Also gotta make sure you can reach all of it to decorate { don’t let your Christmas spirit get bigger than your ladder 😉 } 424905_442934649089450_543184152_n 320612_442934442422804_1757105017_n

{Design tip: Ladder used for these massive beauties is taller than some houses}

2. Real is better! Yes . . .  I know it’s a hassle and oh so messy,  but the look and smell is amazing!


{It’s so fluffy I’m gonna die}


{Real Greenery EVERYWHERE!}

3. After the greenery. . .  next step is lights. It’s all about being Merry & Bright so Light it up!


{Bling Bling}

But just remember it won’t be lit up all hours of the day. . . your decorations will look completely different with the lights on & off.

{ FYI: Glitter helps 😉 }

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{ Lights on vs lights off }

4. The next layer is almost as important as lights. . . and that is RIBBON! The more the merrier here. This pup loves to layer on the ribbon and its a perfect way to set a color scheme.


{ Have fun layering ribbon & taking your tree up a notch }

*Designer tip: Don’t just roll the ribbon out, choose a roll with a formable wire on the edges, then form it around branches so it fluffs waaaay out and adds dimension*


{ Ribbon wrapped around live greenery with lights creates quite the cozy feel }


{ The perfect ribbon color can also help unify a traditional tree with keepsake ornaments }


{ Ribbon is always a festive way to add Christmas decorations to the wall & windows }

5. Christmas all around! There is no reason to keep it all on the tree when you can spread it all around

Pillows & furry throws are the perfect way to cozy up your home for the holidays


{ all is merry & bright }


{ All cozy in here }

Signage is also the perfect way to spread holiday cheer


{ A little rustic holiday glamor }

**Designer tip: Banner & wood skis from target!**


{ Perfect Season for Believein! }


{ Never let your guests forget the reason for the season }

6. Of course there is also your typical holiday decorating spots you can’t forget. . .  Like gorgeous table scapes


{ Nothing typical about this holiday table setting }


{ It’s always fun to mix modern glamour with rustic accents }


{ Don’t be afraid to break away and use non-traditional colors }

We also can’t forget about the mantles! Big or small they are the perfect spot to create holiday focal points


{ All that glitter! }


{ Make sure your stockings are hung with care! }

7. Make it natural: I love to bring in fresh greenery to put the finishing touch on any Christmas design. Fir trees and magnolia leafs make the best pickings!


{ Designer tip: If you don’t have a spot to hang greenery from: make one, just bring the whole branch inside! }

8. Mix it up! I LOVE my repeat clients & my best gift to them is mixing up their home every year and never making it look the same

9. Think out of the box: Of course you want follow the amazing usual Christmas traditions, but it’s always fun to add a little unexpected cheer


{ Everyone wants a Boston for Christmas: I mean. . .  Hippopotamus }


{ Not the typical way to hang a wreath. . . }

10. Wrap it up: Lastly you want to put a bow on it! Presents are usually everywhere for Christmas so go ahead and make them part of the decorations!


{ All stripped up this Christmas }


{I love picking out a wrapping theme each year so all the gifts coordinate!}


{ Of course you have to add a little boston cheer! }

Most of all have fun turning your home into a winter wonderland and just remember there are no limits!!

Hope you have a love & glitter filled Christmas!


3 thoughts on “Christmas: A few tips to create a Winter Wonderland

  1. Love it all! I break the rules and leave my lights on all day (as long as we’re home). I’d love to use real greenery too except that my children are allergic to practically everything outside 😕

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love it all! I break the rules though and leave our lights on all day (when we’re home that is). I’d love to use real greenery too but my kids are allergic to practically everything outside 😕


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