Laundry Room Grand Finale

All of the holidays are about to be here and guests will be arriving soon. So you always want your home that you have been sooo working hard on all year ready to shine! I am pumped to finally show off our new laundry room. Yes. . .  laundry room, not usually the no. 1 go to stop for a party, but after this reno we are ready to throw a party that it’s done!!!

If you remember what this awful excuse for a laundry room looked like, you would be jumping for joy too that it is now an actual room!

{ The dreaded before. . . }

I am not sure who thought this cheap room divider was making the cut but I personally thought it was not living up to its potential.

The main issue of course is not have a separate laundry room from the kitchen. So a simple wall and a little Boston design flare and “Wahlah” I feel like we have a whole new house!

Check out the final product. . .

{ Happy dance because we’re finished!!! }
{ Admiring our custom made laundry baskets }

{ Custom “art” from some TJ Maxx & Target finds }

{ Keeping it classy with some sleek black hardware }

{ Best part is our whole new efficient layout with a custom painted storage cabinet & stacked washed & dryer }
{ Cozy touches are a MUST in every room . . . even the laundry }
{ My favorite touch is our custom barn door mom let me make with my own little paws }

The laundry room ended up so well. . .  it made the kitchen look a lil boring. So naturally I had to paint that as well.


Don’t you love once you renovate one thing. . .  it makes everything else look dull. A Boston’s work is never done so I will save that for another post.

But for now, I am no longer ashamed to have my puppy play dates over and show that I don’t have to wash my puppy bed while fixing my bowl of dog food in the same room. Makes me feel like we’re living in fur baby luxury!





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