Hello November {Lets Fall it Up!} DIY Wreath Style

Fall is the perfect time to dress up your front porch, but what better way to do it then . . . for FREE!!!

I wanted an all natural Wreath to dress up the front door so that means it’s craft time.

I thought Yellow would be the perfect fall color to dress up our cute teal door so I had my mom go out and collect some “yellow” and she found a bunch of fabulous weeds!!!

{ I see lots o potential here }
{ I see lots o potential here }

Most people would overlook some weeds, but they turned out to be perfect for this project.

{Step 1}

We used some flexible boxwood trimmings to make the frame of the wreath. Also free after a day of yard work.

{ I love craft night. . .  its so tasty!}
{ I love craft night. . . its so tasty!}

{Step 2}

Just a little floral wire to hold it together. If you craft as much as my mom does, then you already have this on stock and it technically is not a co$t for this project. Best part of making it with my own paws. .  . we can make it as big as we want! Love dramatic decorations!

{I think I'm going to need help trimming this wire}
{I think I’m going to need help trimming this wire}
{Getting Fancy}
{Getting Fancy}

{Step 3}

Just add the fluff. No rhyme or reason here. . . . I just kept adding foliage until it was full and fluffy!

{Time to dress it up}
{Time to dress it up}

Turned out pretty good for a free wreath

{all fluffed out}
{all fluffed out}
{Just add ribbon}
{Just add ribbon}

I love using the holidays to decorate. Perfect inspiration to mix it up! So happy Fall y’all . . . embrace it weeds & all!


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